For Students
Quantum Fields, Strings and Machine Learning
Students will learn about research methods in geometry and machine learning in order to solve problems in mathematical physics, with a particular emphasis on problems that appear in quantum field theory and string theory. String theory is the ultimate “theory of everything”, unifying the laws of the very large - gravity - with the laws of the very small - quantum physics. By doing so, string theory is following a century’s long tradition of exchange of ideas between mathematics and theoretical physics in order to unify the most fundamental laws of nature.
For Prospective Graduate Students
Graduate Students Qualifying Exams and Course Information
Recently, the Department of Mathematical Sciences at UNIST has updated the qualifying exam requirements for graduate students, who enroll in 2024 and later.
Graduate students have to pass one qualifying exam on one of the following three subject areas within their first 2 years of graduate studies:
Real Analysis
Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis
Students in our group usually take a qualifying exam in algebra (option 2) or differential equations and numerical analysis (option 3).
More information about qualifying exams can be found on the department website: .
Please note that graduate students at our department can also take for credit courses from other departments, such as the Department of Physics or the Department of Computer Sciences.
In addition to graduate courses, our research group also concentrates on extracurricular classes during the semesters and semester breaks, including classes in quantum field theory, string theory, supersymmetry and general relativity. The department already offers graduate courses in representation theory, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and differential geometry, and more. Information about graduate courses can be found here: .
Fully Funded Graduate Student Positions
Please note that graduate students (Masters and Combined Masters/Ph.D. Program) at UNIST do not pay any tuition fees.
Graduate students receive in addition to the tuition fee waiver a stipend that covers their housing expenses on campus at UNIST as well as their living expenses.
If you have any questions about graduate student openings in my research group and at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at UNIST, please do not hesitate to contact me directly via email (
- UNIST Department of Mathematical Sciences:
- Korean students Ph.D. and Masters Application Information:
- International students Ph.D. and Masters Application Information:
- International Student Affairs Office at UNIST (general information):
For Current Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in becoming a graduate student, it is highly recommended that you do an undergraduate internship before your application.
UNIST Students
Please note that our research group has fully-funded undergraduate internship stipends available.
UNIST undergraduate students can obtain credit towards their degree when they do an internship during the spring or fall semester.
You are also welcome to join our research group during the summer and winter breaks. Please contact me directly via email ( for openings.
- UNIST Department of Mathematical Sciences:
- UNIST students URIP internship program:
- UNIST students AIRP internship program:
Non-UNIST Students
Please note that our research group has fully-funded undergraduate internship stipends available.
You are also welcome to join our research group during the summer and winter breaks. Please contact me directly via email ( for openings.
You can also apply for additional internship scholarships provided by UNIST for external students:
- UNIST Winter Undergraduate Internship Scholarship, U-WURF:
- UNIST Summer Undergraduate Internship Scholarship, U-SURF:
- UNIST Open-Lab Visiting Program:
If you have any questions about student programs and openings in my research group and at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at UNIST, please do not hesitate to contact me directly via email (