“In the 21st century, a physicist without mathematics training can hardly become a master, and a mathematician who does not understand theoretical physics has abandoned an important research direction.“
Shing-Tung Yau (Fields Medalist, 1982)


I am doing research at the interface of mathematics and theoretical physics, with a particular emphasis on the mathematical structures that arise in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory. I have also pioneered the introduction of machine learning tools in the study of physical phenomena and mathematical structures in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory.

I also work on applied problems that appear in industry, where I use concepts in geometry, topology and machine learning to solve optimization and automation problems.

Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in Ulsan, South Korea. I am also affiliated to the Department of Physics at UNIST.

Before joining UNIST, I was a Senior Researcher at the AI Advanced Research Lab at Samsung SDS in Seoul and a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

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